Temple Qasr El Agouz

This small Ptolemaic temple is located on the west bank of Luxor, Medinet Habu after, on the left towards Malgatta. It is very "discreet", partially hidden by a wall, the gate was closed for a long time. Cleaned in recent years it has opened to the public. It is now available with the entrance ticket to the temple of Medinet Habu.

Here is the presentation in fact Jollois in the "Description of Egypt". "This small temple, if we judge by its extent, is of little importance it has not been done, that 'Obviously announce its portico barely sided and unadorned walls, but it deserves to be seen, because, containing fully completed sculptures and others that are sketched, it shows the different steps of the work of artists Egyptian in the execution of the reliefs. "The temple has been studied by the IFAO first time in 1909. Then, the institute has resumed his studies in 2000, in collaboration with Claude and Annie Schweitzer Traunecker University Marc Bloc of Strasbourg and the CSA.Ibis dedicated to Thoth, lord of divine words, it was built under Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II.In an interview with Al-Ahram online, Mohamed Beabesh, inspector of antiquities of the West Bank of Luxor, said that the architecture of the temple is intact, but the decorations have suffered greatly because of significant humidity and erosion. It also notes that the scenes of the temple are painted and not carved, which is very rare in the Ptolemaic period. He explains this by the fact that the temple was not completed.