Mount Sinai Egypt

Mount Sinai Egypt can be reached by various routes – the most direct,

and challenging one is via the 3,750 Steps of Repentance, named after

the penitent monk who built them. The Camel Path – named after the


camels in case of an opportunity to help weary travellers – is slightly

easier on the knees and takes on average three hours to reach the


 The Camel Path joins up with the last 750 Steps of Repentance at

Elijah’s Basin, a hollow in the mountainside marked by a 500-year-old

cypress tree where God is said to have spoken to Elijah

as he hid from Jezebel. This is

the spot where you’re asked to sleep if you decide to spend the night here.

On the actual summit is the Chapel of the Holy Trinity, a Greek Orthodox

church built in 1934 on the ruins of a fourth century church. The chapel

once held beautiful paintings and ornaments, but usually remains locked

now because of desecration by tourists.