Siwa Explorer

Siwa Oasis Egypt is the most remote of allEgypt oasis lying some 18.3m
(60ft) below sea level on an old date caravan route. It’s a small
life-sustaining area marooned in the middle of the Western desert,
isolated from Cairo  by 550km (342mi) of nothing but desert.



 Siwa Oasis Egypt

Famous for its oracle that was once consulted by Alexander the Great,

Siwa Oasis Egyptremains largely unspoilt and has retained much of its

cultural heritage, despite its new status as a major tourist

destination. It continues to be a largely Berber

 (Zenatiya) community

seemingly lost in time. Alcohol is not drunk here and women remain

nearly fully covered in their traditional milayah wraps. Siwi,

Berber language, is still spoken here rather than Arabic – a testament

to the town’s inaccessibility as well as  historic roots as wandering

Bedouin. Siwans have also retained their traditional tribal governing

body consisting of 11 chiefs, the sheikhs, who act as local council.

Until as recently as the 1980s there were no televisions and transport

was by donkey cart.

A newly paved asphalt road leading to Marsa Matruh, however continues to

bring changes including a spate of new restaurants, hotels, an internet

cafe and a planned airport. However, visitors can still enjoy

the dreamlike setting of dense green date palms, an abundance of olive trees

and more than 300 freshwater

springs and streams.

The town of Siwa Oasis Egyptis built around Shali, the

thirteenth-century mud-brick settlement, surrounded by high walls

created to protect against attack. As Siwan society flourished, rather

than building outside the wall, they decided to build upwards within it

– their structures sometimes reaching five storeys. In 1926, a series of

ali-esque appearance. These surreal buildings are fun to explore and

afford an excellent view of the oasis and distant desert bluffs.