
It is on the Giza plateau, just outside the city of Cairo, as are the famous pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure. Khufu is ranked among the seven wonders of the ancient world.
 Egyptian pyramids are tombs with the geometrical shape of pyramids built by the pharaohs of ancient Egypt. They are one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world, the oldest and the only one that stood up to us to action of time and the Earth tremors.

 The Pyramids of Giza are the most popular because they are the largest, most complete and best preserved today, but other pyramids were built before and after them.We can see the technical evolution of the pyramids over the centuries: Before pyramids, tombs of pharaohs and high officials were mastabas, tombs covering large squares wells and burial chambers; The first pyramids, those of the Third Dynasty, are pyramids, made of several stacked mastabas, forming gigantic staircases drawn up towards the sky; Then the kings of the Fourth Dynasty pyramids are built with smooth surfaces, which become perfectly geometrical shape of objects, now and for a long time the tallest and most massive structures built by man.Egyptian pyramids are located on the long desert limestone plateau that stretches above the left bank of the Nile.